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Tim's missing tooth
Tim had an old crown and over time, the original tooth underneath the crown had got weaker. During his routine dental health reviews at Temple Square Dental the tooth was being monitored. Eventually with little support left to hold the crown Tim was given the option of a consultation with our Implant Dentist or the option of a bridge, which would mean impacting the healthy tooth in front.
What we did
Tim decided on the full Implant Assessment to see if he would qualify for a Dental Implant. During the assessment, our Implant Dentist went through Tim’s medical history and oral health checks to ensure every chance of success. They also explained the short, medium and long term process of having and caring for an implant, along with explaining the process from placement, to crowning.
After assessment, Tim was given a full treatment plan with various options and time scales. He decided to go ahead immediately and so the first step was to place the implant before letting it heal and topping with a crown. The whole process took 6 months to ensure a successful long term outcome, with just a couple of visits over this time. Tim was left with a securely fixed tooth that blended with his natural teeth to achieve and beautifully healthy smile.
What did Tim say?
"I attended an assessment with the Implant Dentist. This isn’t my usual dentist at Temple Square Dental but I was advised that dental implants required advanced skills and experience which were quite niche. My dentist introduced me to the Implant Dentist at Temple Square Dental, where the procedure and pros and cons of implants were explained. It was very reassuring prior to committing to a long term process.
I needed to replace a tooth already lost as I previously had a crown on this tooth which didn’t have sufficient support and eventually fell off!
The Implant caused no problems or pain and I had no discomfort or inconvenience during the period of treatment. I now have a new tooth that allows me to eat normally again! It also blends in with my teeth so you don’t notice it. I would be quite happy to go through this process again if necessary as the Dentist and his team were highly professional throughout. Pay as you go eases the financial impact but it was well worth the cost. A good job, well done!"
Your Dental Implant options
Speak to your Temple Square Dental dentist about your options for replacing missing teeth. We have a number of options to replace missing teeth with Dental Implants including permanent single implants, multiple implants, full arch (upper or lower), double arch or implant secured dentures.
Give us a call on 01296 434848.

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